(defn transform [person]
(update (assoc person :hair-color :gray) :age inc))
(transform {:name "Socrates", :age 39})
;; => {:name "Socrates", :age 40, :hair-color :gray}
Threading macros, also known as arrow macros, convert nested function calls into a linear flow of function calls, improving readability.
In idiomatic Clojure, pure functions transform immutable data structures into a desired output format. Consider a function that applies two transformations to a map:
(defn transform [person]
(update (assoc person :hair-color :gray) :age inc))
(transform {:name "Socrates", :age 39})
;; => {:name "Socrates", :age 40, :hair-color :gray}
is an example of a common pattern: it takes a value and applies multiple
transformations with each step in the pipeline taking the result of the
previous step as its input. It is often possible to improve code of this type
by rewriting it to use the thread-first macro ->
(defn transform* [person]
(-> person
(assoc :hair-color :gray)
(update :age inc)))
Taking an initial value as its first argument, ->
threads it through one
or more expressions.
Note: The word "thread" in this context (meaning passing a value through a pipeline of functions) is unrelated to the concept of concurrent threads of execution.
Starting with the second form, the macro inserts the first value as its first argument. This is repeated at each subsequent step with the result of the previous computation inserted as the first argument of the next form. What looks like a function call with two arguments is in fact a call with three arguments, as the threaded value is inserted just after the function name. It may be helpful to mark the insertion point with three commas for illustration:
(defn transform* [person]
(-> person
(assoc ,,, :hair-color :gray)
(update ,,, :age inc)))
Though not often seen in practice, this visual aid is valid Clojure syntax, as commas are whitespace in Clojure.
Semantically, transform*
is equivalent to transform
: the arrow macro expands
at compile time into the original code. In each case, the return value of the
function is the result of the last computation, the call to update
. The re-written
function reads like a description of the transformation: "Take a person, increase their age,
give them gray hair, and return the result". Of course in the context of immutable
values, no actual mutation takes place. Instead, the function simply
returns a new value with updated attributes.
Syntactically, the threading macro also allows the reader to read the functions in left to right order of application, rather than reading from the innermost expression out.
The ->
macro follows a purely syntactic transformation rule: for each
expression, insert the threaded value between the function name and the
first argument. Note that the threading expressions are function calls
of the form (f arg1 arg2 …)
. A bare symbol or keyword
without parentheses is interpreted as a simple function
invocation with a single argument. This allows for a succinct chain of
unary functions:
(-> person :hair-color name clojure.string/upper-case)
;; equivalent to
(-> person (:hair-color) (name) (clojure.string/upper-case))
However, ->
is not universally applicable, as we do not always
want to insert the threaded argument in the initial position.
Consider a function that computes the sum of the squares of all odd
positive integers below ten:
(defn calculate []
(reduce + (map #(* % %) (filter odd? (range 10)))))
Like transform
, calculate
is a pipeline of transformations, but
unlike the former, the threaded value appears in each function call in
the final position in the argument list. Instead of the thread-first macro we need to use the thread-last macro ->>
(defn calculate* []
(->> (range 10)
(filter odd? ,,,)
(map #(* % %) ,,,)
(reduce + ,,,)))
Again, though usually omitted, three commas mark the place where the argument
will be inserted. As you can see, in forms threaded using ->>
threaded value is inserted at the end rather than the beginning of the argument
Thread-first and thread-last are used in different circumstances. Which one is appropriate depends on the signature of the transformation functions. Ultimately you’ll need to consult the documentation of the functions used, but there are a few rules of thumb:
By convention, core functions that operate on sequences expect
the sequence as their last argument. Accordingly, pipelines containing map
, remove
, reduce
, into
, etc usually call for the ->>
Core functions that operate on data structures, on the other hand,
expect the value they work on as their first argument. These include
and their
Pipelines that transform maps using these functions often require the ->
When calling methods through Java interop, the Java object is passed in as the
first argument. In such cases, ->
is useful, for example, to check a
string for a prefix:
(-> a-string clojure.string/lower-case (.startsWith "prefix"))
Finally, there are cases where neither ->
nor ->>
applicable. A pipeline may consist of function calls with varying insertion
points. In these cases, you’ll need to use as->
, the more flexible
alternative. as->
expects two fixed arguments and a variable number of
expressions. As with ->
, the first argument is a value to be threaded
through the following forms. The second argument is the name of a binding. In
each of the subsequent forms, the bound name can be used for the prior expression’s result.
This allows a value to thread into any argument position, not just first or last.
(as-> [:foo :bar] v
(map name v)
(first v)
(.substring v 1))
;; => "oo"
Two of Clojure’s more specialized threading macros, some->
and some->>
, are used most commonly when interfacing with Java
methods. some->
resembles ->
in that it threads a value through
a number of expressions. However, it also short-circuits execution when an
expression evaluates as nil
at any point in the chain. One common problem with
arrow macros in the context of Java interop is that Java methods do not expect
to be passed nil
). One way to avoid a NullPointerException
in these
cases is to add an explicit guard:
(when-let [counter (:counter a-map)]
(inc (Long/parseLong counter)))
achieves the same effect more succinctly:
(some-> a-map :counter Long/parseLong inc)
If a-map
lacks the key :counter
, the entire expression will evaluate to nil
rather than raising an exception. In fact, this behavior is so useful that it is
common to see some->
used when threading is not required:
(some-> (compute) Long/parseLong)
;; equivalent to
(when-let [a-str (compute)]
(Long/parseLong a-str))
Like ->
, the macro cond->
takes an initial value, but unlike the
former, it interprets its argument list as a series of test, expr
pairs. cond->
threads a value through the expressions but skips those with failing tests. For
each pair, test
is evaluated. If the result is truthy, the expression is
evaluated with the threaded value inserted as its first argument; otherwise
evaluation proceeds with the next test, expr
pair. Note that unlike its
relatives, some->
or cond
, cond->
never short-circuits
evaluation, even if a test evaluates to false
or nil
(defn describe-number [n]
(cond-> []
(odd? n) (conj "odd")
(even? n) (conj "even")
(zero? n) (conj "zero")
(pos? n) (conj "positive")))
(describe-number 3) ;; => ["odd" "positive"]
(describe-number 4) ;; => ["even" "positive"]
inserts the threaded value as the last argument of each form but
works analogously otherwise.